Orange Dot Fat Cap black-hood

Orange Dot Fat Caps


The perfect mix of quick-coverage and manageable spray. Cover large areas with a solid coat, while retaining a good amount of control over how much paint you are using. Very similar to the Pink Dot Fat Cap, but with a slightly smaller output.

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Available Options:

Cap Packs Sizes

100 Pack of caps, 50 Pack of caps, 20 Pack of caps

Spray Paint Compatibility

Orange Dot Fat Caps

The Orange Dot Fat Cap is a very popular fat cap for style writers. It sprays much like a Pink Dot Fat Cap, but with a slightly smaller footprint. Its throughput is very controllable, making it easy to simultaneously fill in large areas fast while regulating the amount of paint you are using.

The Orange Dot Fat Cap is considered medium within the class of modern fat caps however, it is a powerhouse cap to piece with. Its solid spray pattern makes it a great cap for thick outlines, highlights, and flare tags.

Fits great on all modern European and Asian manufactured spray paint and is known to work well on Rustoleum spray paint with an adapter.

Hood color varies in: white, black, and green hoods(Original Montana Level 5 Cap)